Published on April 13, 2021 Updated on May 3, 2022
from 17 March
to 12 July 2021
online (videoconference / live)

The next actions and first experiments of the SHAKIN project are taking shape:

  • The second transnational online meeting took place in March 2021.
  • A conference on the future of artistic education is organised in April and May 2021 by the University of Arts in Belgrade.
  • A seminar "Subaltern Perspectives" is launched on 12 April 2021 at the Bauhaus-University of Weimar.
[Conference] The future of (artistic) education: art and an inclusive university
Online / April 5 and May 11, 2021

Through examples of two films and specific practices of the self-organized Kurdish University in Rojava, the conference participants exchange thoughts and ideas about the present and future of art education and its place on the horizon of the future.
At this conference different actors - artists, pedagogues from art faculties, activists, and philosophers - gather,  who, each from the perspective of working in a specific area, should encourage us to think about new strategies and enable the opening of universities to new knowledge and new actors of knowledge production.

For more information and participation

[Seminar] "Subaltern Pespectives"
Online / Mondays, April 12 to July 12 2021 from 1.30pm to 3.30pm

In this seminar, classical as well as recent texts on "subaltern knowledge" and related concepts of "minoritarian knowledge" (Butler, Deleuze / Guattari), "situated knowledge" (Haraway), "epistemic disobedience" (Mignolo) are explored and the various forms of subaltern knowledge, i.e. knowledge that is affected by invisibility, marginalization and devaluation are discussed by using examples of different varieties of "oral", "traditional", "tacit" or "embodied" knowlegde, of knowledge produced by aesthetic and artistic, craft and everyday, corporeal and virtual practices.

To participate and for more information please contact : Sonia Nikitin, project coordinator or Eva Krivanec, leading professor of the seminar

[Meeting] 2nd transnational meeting of the project partners
Online / from March 17 to March 19 2021

From 17 to 19 March 2021 the partners met to develop the next actions of the project and to prepare the activities with the students of Lyon, Weimar and Belgrade starting in October 2021.

2nd project meeting

Useful information


online (videoconference / live)

