- Description, Typology and Fieldwork;
- Development, Neurocognition and Disorders;
- History and Ecology of Language and languages.
(fr. Environnements et sociétés de l’Orient ancien)
This research laboratory focuses on the Eastern Mediterranean, the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Middle East in pre and protohistory, archaeology, epigraphy, life and earth sciences (archaeozoology, archaeobotany, biological anthropology, geography, geoarchaeology, geophysics), from the Neolithic period to the end of the Iron Age.
(fr. Archéologie et Archéométrie)
This doctoral school is composed of four multidisciplinary teams which include archaeologists, petrographers, physicists and chemists specialized in archaeology (from protohistory to modern times), in the analysis of archaeological materials (ceramics and terracotta), in small objects (Instrumentum) and in Carbon 14 dating.
(fr. Centre de Recherches Critiques sur le Droit)
Disciplines: private law, public law and legal history. The central work of the centre is to study the major tools of law and their integration in the social field, empirical analysis of legal and jurisdictional phenomena and the interaction of norms.
(fr. Histoire et archéologie des mondes chrétiens et musulmans médiévaux)
Historical and archaeological research on the Christian and Muslim Middle Ages.
(fr. Centre Max Weber)
The Max Weber Centre is a Joint Research Unit that studies a broad field of thematics researches: socialisation, gender, education, work and labour, kinship, culture, visual sociologies are some examples. These themes/topics are studied by six research teams and in an interdisciplinary way.
(fr. Conception de l’action en situation)
Research focuses on strategy, management and governance of organizations to generate actionable knowledge for strategic management.
(fr. Centre de recherches en psychopathologie et psychologie clinique)
The epistemology of the CRPPC (Centre for Research in Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology) is based on a psychoanalytic theory and a psychodynamic approach of psychological functioning. Our work is mainly focused on symbolisation, its phenomenology and its psychopathologies.
(fr. Centre de recherche en linguistique appliquée)
The CeRLA works on various foreign languages represented in the Faculty of Languages (English, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Arabic) and in the various branches of applied linguistics in a broad sense (lexicology, neology, terminology, lexicography, corpus linguistics, translation, sociolinguistics, didactics of foreign languages).
(fr. Dynamique Du Langage)
Interdisciplinary research in language around three axes:
(fr. Développement, Individu, Processus, Handicap, Éducation)
The DIPHE team brings together researchers who work towards a better understanding of psychological problems, needs, resources and adaptation processes implemented by emerging subjects who are confronted to life experiences that have been making them fragile.
(fr. Décision et Information pour les Systèmes de Production)
To meet the scientific challenges imposed by the ongoing changes within the socio-economic world, our research deals with the design and deployment of decision-making methods and information systems in order to improve the performance of goods and services production systems and comprehensive supply chains.
(fr. Education, Cultures, Politiques)
Education sciences: research in education and training. Sociology and political philosophy of education and training.
(fr. Équipe de recherche de Lyon en sciences de l’information et de la Communication)
ELICO develops its main research on media (analysis of discourses and representations, analysis of associated production practices) and digital libraries (uses, analysis and design of devices, socio-economic analysis). The current projects concern "Data, Big Data, Open Data", "written cultures, digital cultures" and "informational and scientific knowledge; elaboration, circulation, appropriation".
(fr. Laboratoire d’étude des mécanismes cognitifs)
The laboratory brings together specialists in the study of human cognition on the question of mental representations and neural substrates involved in emotions, attention, language, memory and action. The research is carried out in normal, deficient populations and those suffering from specific pathologies.
(fr. Entrepôts, Représentation et Ingénierie des Connaissances)
The ERIC Laboratory develops both theoretical and applied research in the fields of data science and business intelligence. The research aims to enhance the value of very large, complex databases, particularly in the fields of humanities and social sciences. More precisely, their work focuses on data warehouses and data lakes as well as machine learning, forecasting and decision.
(fr. Environnement, ville, société)
Research in planning and development of touristic, rural, urban, and fluvial environments and their connections with human activities.
(fr. Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Économique)
The GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne studies interactions and coordination between economic agents: networking, cooperation between agents, externalities. Researches use mathematics and quantitative methods derived from theoretical and applied microeconomics, econometrics, experimental economics, as well as other disciplines.
(fr. Groupe de Recherche en Psychologie Sociétale)
The GRePS is a Welcome Team (EA) representing, for the first time in the history of the University Lyon 2, an autonomous pole in social and work psychology.
(fr. Histoire et sources des mondes antiques)
Research in ancient societies through literary sources, documentary sources, humans and their environment in antiquity, working on written sources (epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, linguistics, philology, ancient literature) and field missions (archaeology through prospecting and excavation), corpus editing work (ecdotics and digital publishing).
(fr. Institut d’Asie Orientale)
Research in East Asia studies (China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Burma and other South-East Asian countries).
(fr. Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations)
The work of this laboratory focuses on the interactive approach to the facts of language and discourse, which puts the communicative vocation of language systems at the forefront.
(fr. Institut d’Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités)
Articulated around an interdisciplinary background in philosophy, French and foreign literature, musicology, theatre studies, history of art, history of science and technology, the laboratory will make contributions to the history of literary, symbolic, artistic and scientific ideas and representations.
(fr.Institut de Recherche sur l’Architecture Antique)
Ancient Greek and Roman architecture.
(fr. Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Enjeux Contemporains)
LADEC, is a research laboratory devoted to the anthropological analysis of contemporary phenomena and issues. It was created in January 2017 to federate the rich anthropological resources of the Lyon site, both in terms of research and training.
(fr. Laboratoire Aménagement Économie Transports)
LAET is an academic research unit specialised in transport, mobility and land use issues. Its two main academic disciplines are economics and urban planning. LAET is attached to the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), the University Lyon 2 and the ENTPE engineering school, which are all members of the University of Lyon.
(fr. Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes)
Research subjects in the Rhône-Alpes Region: Companies and societies, Art history - Religions, societies and acculturations - Mountain societies and territory - Cities and urban societies.
(fr. Langues et Cultures Européennes)
Specializing in the field of German and Romance languages, this laboratory deals with the following topics: ideas and societies, language and text, literature and myth.
(fr. Laboratoire d’Études Rurales)
Research in rural and agricultural development as seen by historians, geographers, sociologists, anthropologists, economists and agronomists.
(fr. Laboratoire d'informatique en image et systèmes d'information)
The laboratory develops know-how and expertise capable of responding to major societal challenges in close collaboration with the disciplines of Engineering, Human and Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Life Sciences.
The laboratory is dedicated to the analysis of the aesthetics, theories and histories of contemporary literary and artistic practices, through the study of artworks, their creative and manufacturing processes, and their reception. It also studies the epistemological framework that surrounds the creation of artworks and practices, and their evolution (approaches by discipline, by artistic form, by issue - gender studies, postcolonial studies, etc.).
(fr. Tranversales : unité de recherche en droit) Private and public law.
(fr. Action, discours, pensées politique et économique)
Disciplines: political science, political philosophy, history of political thought and economic thought, sociology, urban planning, gender studies
Linguistic areas : France, Italy, Russia, Arabic world, Great Britain, USA, Central America.