Last updated on 07 juil. 2022

The Université Lumière Lyon 2 is composed of 6 Faculties, 5 Institutes, 1 University Institute of Technology and 1 International Center of French Studies.

Each Faculty or Institute is managed by a Council elected in accordance with the regulations in force.  The Directors of research units, who are Lyon 2 staff members, or their representatives, who are also Lyon 2 staff members, and whose fields of study overlap with those of the UFR or Institute, attend the meetings of the component's plenary councils in an advisory role. The Director of a Faculty and Institute is elected by the Council for a period of five years, renewable once. The University departments are headed by a Director.  Their missions and their mode of operation are defined by their statutes.

For more information, read articles 3 to 5 of the University statutes.

This faculty includes the following disciplines: Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science for Human and Social Sciences (fr. MIASHS), Gender Studies, Social Development, etc.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

The Faculty of Law offers high-quality courses (Bachelor's and Master's degrees) in Law, Public Administration and Economic and Social Administration (fr. Administration publique et Administration Economique et Sociale or AES). It also offers short training degrees, such as Professional Bachelor's Degrees and University Diplomas.

The Faculty has developed a dense international network. It has thus concluded over 40 agreements, giving students many opportunities in terms of international mobility.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

The Faculty of Languages offers a wide range of languages to study and provides students with global perspectives. International mobility is encouraged among students so they can be prepared for a multilingual global arena. Students can also choose to study a double degree in Europe and outside Europe. They also have access to international internships experiences and all means are deployed to help students to achieve a positive career outcome. Courses focus on combining a solid understanding of the language they study, all while enhancing their skills and potential as well as their soft skills.

The Faculty of Languages offers studies in:

  • Arabic
  • Catalan
  • Chinese
  • English
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

ThisThe Faculty offers courses that cover the whole spectrum of university studies in fields such as Music and performing arts, Cinema and visual arts, Media and Cultural Sciences, Modern and Classic Literature, Creative writing and French as foreign language teaching.

The Training Centre for Musicians (fr. Centre de Formation des Musiciens Intervenants or CFMI) is also part of this Faculty.


For more information about the academic offer, please visit:
This faculty covers a broad spectrum of specialized courses which leads to a very high rate of employability among its students and prepares them for employment in areas such as business, economics, management, banking, finance and transport and logistics.

The quality of its courses is recognised by the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (fr. Haut conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur or HCERES) and by the many socio-economic players of the region.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

This faculty includes five teaching departments in the fields of Geography and Planning, History, Art History and Archaeology, Tourism and Urban Planning.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

The Institute of Communication offers courses in the fields of Information and Communication Sciences, Computer Science and Statistics, Computer Graphics-Multimedia, Journalism, Video Game Culture and Fashion.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

The Institute of Work and Labour Studies of Lyon is unique in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. It offers interdisciplinary programmes focused on the study and understanding of contemporary labour issues and the future of work.

Covering a wide range of topics such as Employment Law, International mobility of workers, Discriminations and inequalities as well as Ergonomics, the programmes are aimed at people with different profiles: Lawyers specialising in Labour and Employment Law, Human Resources Managers, Non-profit Organisation Directors, Workplace equity Consultants.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

union training institute
Director : Cécile NICOD -
Administrative and financial manager : Hervé ROZIER -

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

The Institute of Education and Training Sciences and Practices offers courses in the fields of Education, Adult Learning and Education, Special Education and Disability and Education and Health.

It also prepares students for public school teacher's qualifying exams (fr. Concours de Recrutement de Professeur des Ecoles or CRPE, fr. Certificat d'Aptitutde au Professorat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré or CAPES) or as part of the Master of Education, Teaching and Training Professions (fr. Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Education et de la Formation or MEEF) and the Agrégation, a civil service examination for some posts in secondary and higher education.

The ISPEF also offers an online Bachelor's and Master’s Degree (in partnership with the CNED) in the field of Education Sciences.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

The Institute of Psychology offers courses in the different fields of Psychology: Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology and Work Psychology, Organisational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, as well as Neuropsychology, Psychopathology, Clinical Psychoanalysis, Human-computer Interactions...

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

Created in 1992 by the Université Lumière Lyon 2 in order to offer an alternative educational path to a diverse public, the IUT Lumière selects students on the basis of different criteria, not only education but also experience and skills and abilities.

The Institute offers courses in line with the needs of companies of the region and the desire to involve professionals at all stages of learning. The main objective of the IUT Lumière is to promote equip students with the professional skills they need to be job-ready.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit:

The International Center of French Studies specializes in language and culture training for a non-French speaking public, whether or not they are enrolled in higher education courses at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, or another university, or in a Grande Ecole in the "Université de Lyon" higher education and research hub.

The CIEF, like the other 40 centers in France, is a member of the Association of Directors of University Centers for French Studies for Foreigners (ADCUEFE): Campus FLE.

The CIEF has signed the ADCUEFE's quality charter: ADCUEFE/Campus FLE.

For more information about the academic offer, please visit: