The project "Sharing subaltern knowledge through international cultural collaborations" (SHAKIN') has been selected by the Erasmus+ Agency for the 2020 call "Higher Education Strategic Partnerships for Innovation".
The project - The project brings together six partners from four countries (France, Germany, Serbia, Sweden): three universities (University Lumière Lyon 2, Bauhaus-University Weimar, University of Arts Belgrade) and three cultural organizations (Association Independent Cultural Scene Serbia, Stockholm Museum of Womens’ History, le LABA).
By advocating for the inclusion and development of subaltern knowledge, the partners want to promote the diversification of knowledge sources and ways of working together in international cultural projects.
- make learning environments more inclusive, to better equip tomorrow's professionals for future social, political and environmental change;
- to strengthen links between foreign universities and with key actors in society to promote knowledge sharing;
- to support alternative logics of transnational cultural cooperation, based on a strong professional ethic of articulation between practical skills and critical analysis.
The preparation of the application was supported and funded by The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region ("Pack Ambition International" 2019-2020). - The DPACI
Master's degree -
The Development of International Artistic and Cultural Projects Master's programme (DPACI) aims to train actors capable of supporting the work of practitioners (artists, creators) and coordinating a strategy for programming works, recruiting artists, developing a political vision in line with the territory and a financial framework for establishments in the artistic and cultural sector in France and abroad.
The course is resolutely multidisciplinary, and this on two levels:- at the level of teaching and pedagogical choices: both academics and professionals use a communicative, sociological, economic, political and artistic approach in their teaching;
- at the level of the cultural sectors: the courses cover all the spheres of the arts and culture professions: performing arts, visual arts, heritage, new fields of art and science, design, arts education.
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