International students can benefit from the French social security during their studies in France and the reimbursement of their medical fees (up to 70%). They can also take out a complementary health insurance policy (
- Social Security registration process
Once you have arrived and after your enrolment at the university, you will have to take the necessary steps in order to be affiliated to the French health care system. This procedure is compulsory and free of charge (if you have the European Health Insurance Card, you are not concerned by this procedure).
You will be asked for a school certificate to complete your registration via the website:
+ More information / CPAM (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie)
International Relations Department
276 Cours Émile Zola
69100 Villeurbanne
Telephone: 3646 (0.30 € /min) - The University Student Health Service (SUMPPS)
The purpose of the SUMPPS at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 is to prevent and promote health amongst students.
- Nursing: local care, first aid and referral of students to appropriate care structures;
- Medical visits;
- Academic accommodations for students with disabilities;
- Specialised consultations (dietician, psychologist, tobacco specialist...);
- Reception, listening, provision of a variety of documentation.
Do not hesitate to make an appointment with the administrative office on 04 78 77 43 10.
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
and from 1:00 to 5:00.
Porte des Alpes Campus, Building L
5 avenue Pierre Mendès-France
69676 Bron cedex
T2 tram access - Europe-Université - Consult a doctor
If you need to consult a general practitioner, a dentist or a specialist doctor, you can request contact details from the health desk of the Université Lumière Lyon 2, from a pharmacist or search on the social security website
How much does a doctor's consultation cost?
> Conventional general practitioners, dentists, ophthalmologists, gynaecologists or psychiatrists (for under-26s): €25 or more per consultation.
It is possible to check the consultation fees for your doctor on the social security website:
To consult facilitate the reimbursement of your medical fees, it is necessary to:
> Declare a referring physician. This is a general practitioner (list of registered doctors can be consulted on the social security website). - Declare a referring physician
You must ask him/her to fill in a declaration that states your referring physician during your first visit. You must then give this declaration to your affiliate organisation;
> Present your proof of affiliation (CPAM social security certificate or EHIC European Health Insurance Card) to the doctor;
> Pay for the consultation;
> Send the declaration, the treatment papers and the copy of the prescription to your enrolment centre. You will receive a statement of your refunds from your affiliation centre;
> Send this statement to your mutual insurance company if you have one.
Please note that in order to be correctly refunded by social security, you must choose a referring doctor. To consult a specialist (doctor specialised in a specific field), it is preferable to go to your general practitioner first. He or she will provide you with a prescription that will enable you to receive a social security refund. There are a few exceptions: you do not need to see your referring physician before seeing an ophthalmologist, dentist, and gynaecologist and, for those under 26, a psychiatrist. - Complementary insurance
The contribution to a complementary insurance company makes it possible to supplement the amount refunded by social security for the costs of illness or accident. For example, social security refunds 70% on a €25 consultation with a general practitioner. 1€ always remains at the patient's expense. The complementary insurance company can refund the rest.
Although, it is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended. There are price differences depending on your age and the health insurance plan you choose.
Where and when to subscribe to a complementary insurance company?
You can get information from the insurance companies in your home country or, if you wish, subscribe to a student complementary insurance in France.