Last updated on 23 oct. 2021
As an exchange student at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, you will be able to choose courses from any Bachelor’s degree and the first year of your Master’s degree, in any faculty and department.
Learning agreement

Most exchange students will have to draw up a learning agreement (before the mobility).

Students will therefore have to pre-select courses according to the information gathered on the internet. However, it is very likely that you will need to modify your learning agreement once you arrive in Lyon because schedules change from one year to the next and it is also possible that some of the courses you have chosen may overlap (scheduling conflict). If this is the case, don't panic! You will have the possibility to modify your study contract.

Please note: the courses given between September and January are different from those given from January to June.

IMPORTANT: your pre-study contract (learning agreement, "before the mobility section") must be validated and approved by your home institution: by your coordinator (if he/she has asked you to draw up one).

Choosing your courses

As an exchange student at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, you will be able to choose courses from any faculty and department in the first, second, and/or third years of our bachelor’s degrees (fr, Licence, or L1, L2, and L3) and from the first year of our master’s degrees (fr. Master 1 or M1). 

Unlike French students, you will not be required to follow all the courses belonging to the "XX" year of study for a specific programme, nor all the courses of the same "Teaching Unit" (UE).

However, you will not be able to enrol in courses in the following programmes : 

  • Professional Bachelor’s Degree - 3rd year (LP)
  • University Diplomas (fr. Diplôme Universitaire or DU) or University Diplomas in Technology (fr. Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie or DUT)
  • Master’s 2nd year (M2)
  • A traditional bachelor’s "professional options" Certain workshops or tutorials (due to a limited number of places)

Consult our degrees and course offer.

From this page you will be able to access the websites of the different faculties and their departments (while some offer online descriptions of courses, others do not).

In order to find class schedules, choose the desired faculty, department, degree, and level of study.

You may also choose courses from the MINERVE Program (major-specific courses taught in German, Spanish and Italian) and take part in sports if you wish.

French Language Requirements

The Université Lumière Lyon 2 is a French-speaking University: therefore, the language used for teaching is French for the majority of courses.

With rare exceptions, the B2 level of proficiency in French is the accepted minimum level allowing non-native speakers to be able to follow a course at our university.

The University does not require exchange students to have a language level certificate (neither in French nor in English) to enrol.

Organisation of classes

In France, the academic year begins in September and consists of two semesters: the Autumn Semester (September-January) and the Spring Semester (January-June).

Each semester is numbered as follows: (S = semester).

Autumn semester Spring semester
Bachelor’s (fr.Licence) 1st year (L1) S1 = 30 ECTS credits S2 = 30 ECTS credits
Bachelor’s 2nd year (L2) S3 = 30 ECTS credits S4 = 30 ECTS credits
Bachelor’s 3rd year (L3) S5 = 30 ECTS credits S6 = 30 ECTS credits
Master’s 1st year (M1) S1 = 30 ECTS credits S2 = 30 ECTS credits
Master’s 2nd year (M2) S3 = 30 ECTS credits S4 = 30 ECTS credits

However, the rule for the allocation of ECTS credits for exchange students is different from that of students regularly enrolled in a degree-seeking program of study.

Types of classes

There are two types of classes at the university:

  • Cours Magistral or CM, lectures in amphitheatres;
  • Travaux Dirigés or TD, small-group discussion sessions in classrooms.

Depending on the Faculty and the courses, a CM and a TD may be inseparable. It is then compulsory to enrol in both the TD and the CM.

Grades & ECTS credits

The rule for awarding ECTS credits for exchange students is as follows: in general, each validated course of study will allow you to obtain 5 ECTS credits, whether it is a lecture course (fr. Cours magistral or CM) or discussion course (fr. Travaux dirigés or TD).

In order to pass (“validate”) an exam, you must obtain a minimum of 10/20. To pass a class, you must average a 10/20.

The marks for the semester will be published in February or June depending on the semester. You will then have access to your transcript via your Digital Working Environment (DWE).