Last updated on 20 déc. 2024
Published on December 12, 2024 Updated on December 20, 2024

The Université Lumière Lyon 2 offers courses at 3 levels: Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees. Each level requires a certain number of semesters of study, and each semester earns 30 ECTS credits.

However, the rules for awarding ECTS credits to exchange students are different from those applied to regular students enrolled on a degree course.
The rule for awarding ECTS credits to exchange students is as follows: in general, each validated course (whether CM-based (Cours Magistral: "Lecture") or TD-based (Tutorial: “discussion/directed study) will earn you 5 ECTS.

In order to “validate”, or to pass an exam, you need to obtain 10/20 or more.

Semester grades will be published in February and June, depending on the semester. You will then have access to your transcript via your Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT).
The transcript of marks available online is an official transcript of marks (it includes the signature of the University Chancellor and the university stamp).
For all students returning to their home university, marks will be sent by post to the home university.